Research on the effect of olive oil on the immune system of the skin

Olivenöl Balsam

Olive oil (oleum oliva)

Used for skin care since ancient times

The use of olive oil can be traced back to the Bronze Age (ca. 3150 to 1200 BC). It was used for rituals such as anointing kings and for skin care.[1] Cleopatra is said to have invented the first anti-wrinkle cream containing olive oil.[2]
The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil have been used in wound care since ancient times and are still used in folk medicine today.[3]

Olive oil protects the skin in combination with honey, beeswax and hemp.

The mixture of honey, beeswax, hemp and olive oil, prepared according to traditional methods, has been proven for a long time because the different ingredients work synergistically with each other.[4]
Research on olive oil shows:

Olive oil is rich in vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which stabilize cells. Vitamin E protects against UV radiation, prevents the development of cancer cells and repairs skin damage [2]. It delays skin aging and has a positive effect on skin hydration.[5]

Research has shown

that the application of olive oil to the skin is effective in treating dry skin, eczema, inflammation, itching, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, diaper dermatitis, burns, and other skin damage.[6] The antibacterial effect of olive oil significantly improves foot ulcers in patients with type 2 diabetes.[7] Olive oil nourishes and protects the skin, promotes the healing of wounds [3], moisturizes and enhances the absorption of other ingredients. [8]

[1] Vossen, P. (2007). Olive oil: history, production, and characteristics of the world's classic oils. HortScience, 42(5), 1093-1100.

[2] Viola, P., & Viola, M. (2009). Virgin olive oil as a fundamental nutritional component and skin protector. Clinics in Dermatology, 27, 159-165.
PubMed] Pdf

[3] Gümüs, K., & Yurttas, M. A Different Utilization Area of Olive Oil: Wound Care.
Juniper Publishers]

[4] Bogdanov, S. (2016). Beeswax: History, Uses and Trade. Online Beeswax Book.

[5] Möller, H., Nsmann, A., & Wallat, S. (1989). Wirkungen von Vitamin E auf die Haut bei topischer Anwendung. Lipid/Fett, 91(8), 295-305.
Wiley Online Library]

[6] Baumann, L., & Weisberg, E. (2010). Olive oil in botanical cosmeceuticals. In Olives and Olive Oil in Health and Disease Prevention (pp. 1117-1124). Academic Press.
Science Direct]

[7] Nasiri, M., Fayazi, S., Jahani, S., Yazdanpanah, L., & Haghighizadeh, M. H. (2015). The effect of topical olive oil on the healing of foot ulcer in patients with type 2 diabetes: a double-blind randomized clinical trial study in Iran. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders, 14(1), 38.

[8] Viljoen JM, Cowley A, du Preez J, Gerber M, du Plessis J. Penetration enhancing effects of selected natural oils utilized in topical dosage forms. Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2015;41(12):2045-2054.